Fish Protects Women From Depression

Fish Protects Women From Depression
Fish Protects Women From Depression

Depression is a condition that makes a person feel helpless, depressed, sad, desperate and unfortunately no one is safe from these feelings. It happens to each of us to fall into this hole after some disappointment, problems at work or in the family. It is very important to pay more attention and consult a specialist if this condition is longer.

Everyone says that women are the weaker sex, and that depression is very common. Perhaps this statement is not very far from the truth, as many scientists around the world are trying to solve this mystery and cure its symptoms.

Benefits of fish
Benefits of fish

At a congress in Brighton, it was reported that eating fish protects people from depression. According to them, the reason is the presence of Omega-3 fatty acid in the composition of fish delicacies. The study was conducted with the participation of 14,500 pregnant women.

It is also believed that if the children's menu with fish is diversified more often, it will help children to suffer less often from depression in the future. In addition, the intake of such seafood or river delicacies helps children over the years to acquire knowledge and skills more easily than their peers, who have not consumed such food more often.

Codliver oil
Codliver oil

Australian scientists have found that eating fish products at least twice a week reduces the occurrence of depression by 25 to 100. Their study also puts the presence of Omega-3 in the first place, as well as the interaction of this acid with female hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

A team of scientists from a research institute in Tasmania conducted a study involving 1,400 women and men between the ages of 26 and 36. Each of them had to keep a diary of their daily diet.

It was found that in men the intake of fish delicacies did not significantly affect the feeling of depression, while in women there was a reduction in the risk of depression by 6 to 100.

And yet we should not rely only on food, but also on the people around us, for whom it is worth smiling.
