One Serving Of Cherries A Day Fights The Beer Belly

One Serving Of Cherries A Day Fights The Beer Belly
One Serving Of Cherries A Day Fights The Beer Belly

You can save tens of hours in the gym, sweating with abdominal presses, if instead you just eat one or two servings of cherries a day, say Chinese scientists.

Experts are adamant that even a modest portion of the fragrant fruit is enough to help you fight excess weight. In addition, cherries are an indispensable helper in the fight against insomnia.

You can also consume more than one serving of cherries, because they are not high in calories. One serving of them contains only 100 calories and only half a gram of fat.

On the other hand, they contain anthocyanins, which prevent the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen.

The beneficial effects of anthocyanins have been proven by a team of Chinese scientists who conducted a series of tests with experimental mice. The rodents were artificially obese and then injected with anthocyanins.

Weight loss
Weight loss

As a result, they lost about 5 percent of their body weight, especially belly fat.

Consumption of cherries or cherry concentrate helps to increase the levels of the hormone melatonin in the body, and as we know it plays a key role in sleep.

The beneficial effects of cherries are not limited to what has been said so far. According to Dr. Kerry Kuhl of Oregon Medical University, the consumption of cherry concentrate reduces muscle pain in professional athletes, and also helps relieve pain caused by arthritis.

We should not forget to mention that the cousins of cherries are extremely useful for the work of the heart because they have a beneficial effect on coronary activity.

Anthocyanins also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and also eliminate harmful fats in the cardiovascular system, and their action is very similar to that of statin drugs, informs the Daily Mail.

So, the next time you can't zip up your favorite jeans or stare at the ceiling for hours and count the sheep without a chance to fall asleep, just eat a serving of cherries.
