You See

You See
You See

You see (Peganum harmala L) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the zygophilous family. Zarneš is also known by the names graveyard and mirror. The root of the herb is thick, many-headed, woody, with many heads, penetrating deep into the soil. The stems are up to 70 cm high, protruding from more than one root, strongly branched, glabrous, densely leafy. The leaves of the grain are oblong, consecutive, gray-green, sessile, 3-6 cm long, cut into 3 (rarely 5) sections.

Each lobe, in turn, is divided once or twice, and the lobes are oblong, pointed, located opposite at an angle, 1-3 cm long, obscure in the upper, linear or linear - lanceolate in the lower leaves. The flowers of the plant are yellowish, relatively large, with long, thickened to the top flower stalks, located singly on the tops of the stem and its branches.

The calyx is deeply divided, with 5 linear sepals. The corolla is composed of 5 white or yellowish free petals. Stamens are 15, with extended at the base stalks, with linear anthers. The fruit of the grain is a globular, three-nested, cracked box, with partitions in the middle. The seeds are numerous, triangular. You see blooms in June and July. It is found worldwide in Europe, the Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Asia, Armenia, Kurdistan, India and Western Mongolia.

Composition of grains

The underground parts of you see contain the alkaloid (banisterine), harmalin, harmacol, tetrahydroharmine and (harmol). The flowers and stems contain the alkaloid peganine. The bark contains up to 2.2% and the wood - 1.06% alkaloid. Rich in alkaloids are the seeds, in which according to literature data are found 3-4% alkaloids, of which the total amount falls on harmina.

In pharmacological studies in our country, peganin has been found that in theanthicholinesterase activity, it stimulates the smooth muscles and intestines, increases the amount of bile secreted. It has a bronchospastic effect, reduces blood flow to the coronary vessels. A new alkaloid was discovered in the herb - deoxypeganine, as well as harmalol (N methylharmalin), 2,3-trimethylenequinazolone.

Grain collection and storage

As a remedy are used the seeds of you see. They gather in July and August. Once they turn yellow, the fruits are picked, spread out in the sun or in a ventilated area to dry and then pounded. If necessary, they are dried.

Dried grain seeds are oblong, with a rough surface, dark brown on the outside, triangular, and the edges are usually lighter. Some of the seeds have two pointed ends like a crescent, and others - one end is cut off, reminiscent of a truncated pyramid. They have a bitter taste. Dried seeds are packed in standard weight bags and stored in dry and ventilated warehouses away from non-toxic herbs.

Benefits of grain

Peganum harmala has a long history in terms of the healing and psychoactive properties it possesses. Since ancient times, the seeds of the grain have been used as an additive to ayahuasca, due to the beta carbolines harmin and harmalin contained in them.


Are you wondering what ayahuasca is? This is the name given to psychoactive infusions prepared in some parts of South America for shamanic, witchcraft or religious purposes. Ayahuasca is known for its ability to cause strong effects, leading to a feeling of change of consciousness in order to purify from all negative energies and achieve real knowledge of the eternal nature of the soul and the world around.

In Bulgaria on you see it is seen more as a poisonous bush and its use is avoided, and information about it in the native sources is almost absent.

In the past, a dye called both Turkish red and Syrian red was extracted from its seeds. The plant has long been used for Persian rugs.

It is also known to be used as an incense, a spice, and also as an abortion, drug, aphrodisiac, stimulant, sedative, sedative, emetic and anthelmintic. In India it has been used against syphilis, in North Africa for colds. It has also been used for hysteria, malaria, neuralgia, Parkinson's, uterine prolapse, rheumatism, colic, asthma, eye diseases. Beta-carboline alkaloids stimulate brain activity and can cause visual hallucinations.

In veterinary practice, the herb is used externally as an insect repellent, against lice, for wound healing and more.

Folk medicine with grain

In Bulgarian folk medicine, the alcoholic extract from you see used as a diuretic. It stimulates the central nervous system, lowers body temperature, tones the uterine muscles, raises blood pressure and increases gastric secretion. The seeds of the herb are flooded with alcohol / 1: 10 /. It stays for 10 days. Use 10 drops 3-4 times a day.

In Russian folk medicine, the fresh juice of you see is used to treat cataracts in the initial stage.

In Russia, baths with grain are also prepared against rheumatism. For this purpose, 2-3 handfuls of grains are boiled with 3 liters of boiling water for 20 minutes. The procedures should be at least 10-15 to feel the effect.

Harms from grain

You see is an herb with which one must undoubtedly be very careful, as in large doses it causes a narcotic effect, accompanied by visual hallucinations.
