To What Dishes To Add Rosemary

To What Dishes To Add Rosemary
To What Dishes To Add Rosemary

Rosemary not only flavor dishes and makes them tastier, but also helps a lot to be healthy and energetic. Rosemary has been used in ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. Rosemary has been used in Italian, French and Spanish cuisine for centuries.

Rosemary has a strong, a sweet aroma reminiscent of pine needles, and its taste is slightly spicy. Young leaves, twigs and flowers of rosemary are used as a spice in fresh and dried form.

Rosemary is added in various types of vegetable salads, in dishes of chicken, fish, beef, lamb and less often pork. The rabbit acquires a more pleasant aroma if cooked with rosemary.

Poultry is much more fragrant and tasty if prepared add rosemary. This delicious and fragrant spice is used to enhance the taste and aroma of dishes and soups with mushrooms.

Chicken with rosemary
Chicken with rosemary

Rosemary is often used to prepare the marinade for different types of meat. Mixed with other spices, rosemary is added to various types of sauces.

Soft cheeses become much tastier if they are sprinkle with rosemary. Potato dishes change their taste and aroma if rosemary is added to them.

Bread dough becomes much tastier if you add a little rosemary to it. Tomato soup is more fragrant with rosemary, and without this spice, grilled meat does not have a delicate aroma.

Consumption of dishes with rosemary promotes good digestion, strengthens the immune system and nervous system, is useful for problems with too low blood pressure.


You can use rosemary in combination with butter and finely chopped parsley. This paste is smeared under the slightly raised skin of chicken or wild birds, or stuffed into small incisions, which are made in pork, beef or lamb.

Rosemary is not very well tolerated with bay leaves, so it is not good to combine these two spices in different dishes and soups.

Rosemary sauce is often used in European cuisine. It is prepared by:

100 grams of parsley, 100 grams of onion, 20 grams of rosemary, 300 milliliters of red wine, 500 milliliters of meat broth, 40 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation: Finely chopped onions and parsley are fried in olive oil, wine and rosemary are added. Simmer over low heat until the liquid is reduced by half. Add the broth and simmer until slightly thickened. Add the butter and beat with a blender. Season with salt and pepper.
