Home Chain Delivered Food By Drone

Home Chain Delivered Food By Drone
Home Chain Delivered Food By Drone

A native chain of fast food restaurants conducted an unusual experiment a few days ago in the capital. An attempt was made to deliver food with a flying drone, writes economic.bg.

The drone, thanks to which the experiment was conducted, is a six-rotor with a width of 80 cm and can carry up to 8 kg shipments. This would fully satisfy the needs of even a starving family.

Drones are remote-controlled aircraft or autopilot navigation software. They are divided into different types, depending on their shape, speed and functionality. The machines are deliberately made of lightweight materials so that they can perform as many maneuvers as possible.

Some are only a few centimeters in size, while others reach the size of a fighter. Military models move at such great heights that sometimes they cannot be detected at all.


Until recently, this technique was used mainly by the military in rescue operations or special investigations. For several years, however, the use of commercial drones has become increasingly popular. It turns out that they are ideal for delivery.

A number of influential companies are already working hard on the idea of a drone delivering a package to a recipient. The biggest advantage of the deliveries made with this aircraft is overcoming all kinds of obstacles on the road and especially the traffic jam.

This type of food supply allows them to be calculated with the exact processes themselves and to meet very short deadlines, which is of great importance in such an industry.

When the restaurant offers cooked food that people prefer to eat hot, it is extremely important that the delivery is as fast as possible. For this reason, we decided to check what would happen if we used unmanned aerial vehicles. In general, the experience we have shown shows great potential for the development of this type of supply.

However, there is still much to be done before real deliveries can be made. But the topic is quite intriguing and we are glad that new technologies are starting to be applied in our country as well, say the Bulgarian chain that conducted the drone experiment.
