Diets For Heart Patients

Diets For Heart Patients
Diets For Heart Patients

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, a certain diet should be followed. It is recommended to follow a diet for heart patients. The purpose of the diet is to help improve blood circulation, to normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, to normalize metabolism.

The diet for heart patients is reduced consumption of sodium and fluids, severely limited substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The consumption of magnesium and potassium is increased. The food is prepared without salt or with a little salt, the meat and fish are cooked.

It is recommended to eat four or five times in even portions. Consumption of yesterday's bread or lightly toasted bread, as well as dietary bread without salt is allowed. Fresh bread, pancakes, muffins, yeast pasta and puff pastry are prohibited.

It is recommended to consume vegetable soups, which can be consumed no more than three times a day, 250 milliliters per meal. The consumption of legume soups, meat soups, fish and mushroom broths is excluded.

Consumption of lean meat is allowed - beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey. The meat is boiled and only then baked or lightly fried. You can eat boiled meat with sauce. It is forbidden to eat fatty meat, duck, goose, trifles and canned meat. Consumption of cooked seafood is allowed.

In the diet for heart patients, yogurt is consumed, cream is not allowed - liquid and sour, as well as yellow cheese and too salty and greasy cheese.

Of the vegetables, the consumption of cauliflower and peas is limited, as well as green onions, dill and parsley. Sauerkraut and cucumbers, pickles, spinach, turnips, radishes, onions and mushrooms are prohibited.

Do not consume spicy sauces, black pepper, hot red pepper, mustard. The consumption of grape juice is reduced.

The sample diet menu includes a soft-boiled egg and oatmeal with yogurt for breakfast, as well as herbal tea. Breakfast: apple and a slice of non-fat cheese.

Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled beef with carrot puree, dried fruit compote. Afternoon snack: rosehip tea or a plate of soup. Dinner: boiled meat or fish with boiled potatoes and for dessert - yogurt with dried apricots.

Unloading days are useful for heart patients. The apple unloading day is very suitable - two kilograms of raw apples are eaten for the whole day. If you are too hungry, eat two cups of cooked rice.

Unloading day is also made with dried fruits. It is also suitable for hypertension and poor blood circulation. In one day, eat half a kilogram of dried fruit, pre-soaked in water. Unloading the day with cucumbers is also suitable - eat two kilograms of cucumbers during the day.
