The Healing Power Of St. John's Wort Is In This Recipe By Deunov

The Healing Power Of St. John's Wort Is In This Recipe By Deunov
The Healing Power Of St. John's Wort Is In This Recipe By Deunov

St. John's wort, also called Bellflower, is an ancient herb that cures many diseases.

It is also known as the blood of Christ because it resembles blood because of the red juice that its stems release when cut and soaked.

Its leaves, stems and flowers are valuable, it is picked after June 24 and is used both raw and dried.

St. John's wort contains glycosites, flavonoids, red pigment, tannin, resins and essential oil. Facilitates wound healing and acts as a sedative for nerves and is a diuretic and antimicrobial agent. It is used for both internal and external treatment, it is used to make teas, tinctures and oils.

St. John's wort tea

St. John's wort tea
St. John's wort tea

The most common form of St. John's wort is in the form of tea, and the most traditional recipe is 1 tsp, filled with herbs, which is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and soaked briefly.

You can also make more concentrated tea by pouring 2 tbsp. of the herb with 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 100 ml 15 minutes before eating 3-4 times a day.

Recipe with St. John's wort by Peter Deunov

Peter Dunov
Peter Dunov

Put flowers of St. John's wort in a jar next to his throat, pour olive oil and put gauze on the neck of the jar. It stays in the sun for 40 days, the liquid turns blood red. Strain and pour into dark bottles with lids. It stays in the refrigerator for even a year, but if mold appears, it is simply removed from the healing oil, which in no way worsens its properties.

This oil has anti-inflammatory action and is used to lubricate wounds, burns, bruises, sprains, boils, skin allergies, herpes, bites and more.

It is also used for rubbing sciatica, rheumatism, lumbago, back pain, sports injuries and other similar pains. When urinating at night, the base of the spine is rubbed. Even with baby colic, the baby's tummy rubs.

St. John's wort treats depression, insomnia, neurasthenia, sore throat, migraine, nasal inflammation, meningitis, hay fever, kidney, inflamed ear, nocturnal urination, pleurisy, pneumonia, colitis, gastritis, nervous stomach, rheumatism and many other ailments.
