How To Cook Salted, Smoked Or Boiled Bacon?

How To Cook Salted, Smoked Or Boiled Bacon?
How To Cook Salted, Smoked Or Boiled Bacon?

Salty bacon

In order for the skin of the bacon to be tender and tasty to eat, it must be rubbed with salt while it is still warm.

The bacon is separated from the slaughtered pig the day after slaughter, when the meat has cooled and set. The most delicious and tender is the bacon from the back of the animal.

Cut into regular square pieces. Rub on all sides with plenty of salt and arrange in a wooden bowl or jar with the skin underneath. The large gaps are filled with pieces of bacon, and the small ones are filled with salt. A lot of salt is added because the bacon is not oversalted. For 10 kg of bacon, however, not less than 1 kg of salt is needed.

The bacon is edible 20 days after salting.

In the spring, when the weather warms up to avoid bad breath, the bacon is washed in cold water and rearranged in the vessel, pouring boiled boiled brine prepared in a ratio of 300 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

Smoked bacon

Smoked bacon
Smoked bacon

Photo: Sevinch Adil

It is prepared from salted bacon. Remove the bacon 20 days after salting, remove the salt and wash in cold water. It is smoked for 8-10 days until it acquires a golden-brown color. After smoking, each piece is rubbed with red pepper and, if desired, with crushed garlic. Store in a dry and cool place, and maybe in the refrigerator.

Boiled bacon

After the salted bacon stays in the salt for 20 days and is well salted to make it more tender and tasty, it is boiled. Place in a bowl with boiling water, in which spices are added - 50 onions, 25 g of garlic, 3 cloves, 5 grains of black pepper, 1 bay leaf per 2.5 liters of water are the spices. Boil for about 1 hour, then leave to cool in the cold.

By cooking, the durability of the bacon is reduced. Therefore, the bacon is boiled in an amount that can be consumed for ten days, because it is not recommended to stand longer.
