Improve Digestion With Lettuce

Improve Digestion With Lettuce
Improve Digestion With Lettuce

Spring is the season in which we must cleanse our body of toxins. Green salads and spring vegetables are ideal for this purpose.

Lettuce and spinach are full of vitamins, and also help treat some diseases. Garlic, onions and radishes should also be on the daily menu during the spring months. Parsley and dill - and they.

Lettuce has a special effect. It helps to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and activate the liver.

Lettuce is a plant that is found in temperate latitudes. It is cultivated mainly because of the leaves, which are used for food. In many countries, lettuce is eaten cold without heat treatment.

In addition to making salads with it, it is also used as a side dish for burgers, it is added to many other dishes. Its leaves are used to garnish dishes with roasted, fried or cooked meat.


Garden lettuce is poorer in protein, fat, carbohydrates and mineral salts than spinach. It is valuable in the spring, because then our body is severely depleted of vitamins.

Six of the most important vitamins A, B, C, D, E, G are contained in salads. In addition - lecithin, calcium, iron and phosphorus salts. Your body will be happy with them, because they are necessary for the work of the endocrine glands.

Salads have a slightly bitter taste. This is due to the glycoside lactucine, which is found in the milky juice of the stem and leaves.

Salad is used in combination with other vegetables - radishes, onions, cucumbers. Season with vinegar, oil, yogurt or cream.

According to research, lettuce juice is very useful in feeding infants because it enhances growth and protects against disease. Salad calms the nervous system. Separately enhances the secretion of milk in nursing mothers and strengthens the reproductive system.
