Our Invaluable Tips On The Occasion Of Healthy Eating Day

Our Invaluable Tips On The Occasion Of Healthy Eating Day
Our Invaluable Tips On The Occasion Of Healthy Eating Day

On November 8 we celebrate European Day for Healthy Cooking and Eating. Consumption of healthy foods is finding an increasingly important place in the life of modern man.

It is not just another fashion trend, but a way to keep our weight normal and protect ourselves from a number of diseases that afflict us precisely because of our incorrect choice of menu.

On the occasion of the European Day of Healthy Cooking and Eating, we share with you some important tips that will help you have high quality and varied food on your table.

Some of them may sound like clichés, but believe me, you will feel better, even if you try to follow them for a week!

- Eat more live food and try to make fresh fruits and vegetables take up most of your daily portions;

- Emphasize fish (preferably wild fish) and seafood and reduce the intake of fatty meats and processed sausages;

- At least once a week, set a day when you should not eat any animal foods;

- Limit the intake of fried foods, semi-finished products, pastries with processed sugar, pasta snacks;

- Prepare your own food at home and season it with fresh spices;

European Day for Healthy Cooking and Eating
European Day for Healthy Cooking and Eating

- If you are a fan of alcohol, reduce its consumption. If you have the opportunity, drink quality red wine, but not more than 1 glass per night;

- Remember to drink more water. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day;

- Avoid carbonated drinks and juices with high sugar content and other artificial sweeteners. Look for their alternative in herbal or fruit teas, which are also very refreshing when drunk cold;

- Give up harmful culinary techniques such as frying. Bet on steaming, baking, boiling, stewing;

- Shop from markets or households. This way you will enjoy more delicious and quality food. Of course, it would be best if you grow your own food.
