Diet According To Genotype

Diet According To Genotype
Diet According To Genotype

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Today, anyone can easily get information on how to eat properly. Often, however, this is not enough to maintain a slim figure. The reason for this lies in the rule that everyone should eat the way their genotype requires. The genotype is determined by which glands dominate the body.

People are divided into the following groups: Hunter, Collector, Teacher, Explorer, Warrior and Nomad. Such a diet is called the "Adam and Eve diet." According to its supporters, it allows a person to return to their ancestors and choose the most physiological diet for their body.

There are a number of tests to determine the genotype. Everyone can define it themselves, trying to remember what he looked like in his youth. It is at this age that a person corresponds to the maximum degree to his genotype.


Breakfast: 1 egg, vegetable salad seasoned with sesame seeds with chickpeas, garlic or paprika.


Lunch: A cup of green tea, a small salad of cabbage, goulash, turnips or onions, seasoned with olive oil, stewed or boiled fish, preferably salmon or trout with okra, ginger and other spices.

Dinner: Cooked brown rice (maybe buckwheat / buckwheat), with a full tablespoon of sesame tahini and a little savory and basil.


Breakfast: Green tea, two egg whites, with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and paprika to taste; maybe a teaspoon of pectin.

Lunch: A piece of watermelon, melon, apricot or raisins. Main dish - white beans, peas or green beans, prepared with zucchini, onions, celery, spices.

Dinner: oatmeal or basmati rice, walnuts or olive oil of your choice, 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese.



Breakfast: Fruit salad with nuts or fruit and nut shake, with pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, blueberries (red and black), nectarines, lemons, raisins, dates, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts.

Lunch: Large salad of cabbage, carrots, cabbage, red beets, radishes or turnips and onions with olive oil, white fish or turkey, spices turmeric, curry or paprika and salt.

Dinner: Stewed or boiled dish of zucchini, Brussels sprouts or other types of cabbage, with quinoa or buckwheat and spices: ginger, dill, savory or thyme, marjoram, mint or hot mint, etc.


Breakfast: 2 cups of ginger, dandelion or thyme tea at least 15 minutes before breakfast. Then you can nut shake, which is based on several of the following ingredients of your choice: blackberries, raspberries, lemons, pomelo, cranberries, quinces, pomegranate, raisins, goji berry, apricot and cedar nuts, macadamia nuts, blended.

Lunch: Salad of alabaster or kale, broccoli, lettuce or dandelion, artichoke or apple, red beets, carrots, onions or garlic, turnips, radishes, with olive oil and lemon, boiled or stewed white fish and green beans.

Dinner: Rice or quinoa soup, with a little butter added at the end and served with 1-2 tablespoons of sprouts of your choice.

Weight loss
Weight loss


Breakfast: Fruit salad or shake, of at least 3-4 types of the following: apples, lemons, grapefruits, grapes, goji berries, peaches, plums, apricots, figs, blackberries, cranberries, walnuts, almonds, apricot and pine nuts, peanuts, flax or poppy seeds; cinnamon can also be added. Additive - a piece of dark chocolate.

Lunch: A cup of green or black tea, boiled or stewed soybean dish, white beans or peas, 1 slice of wholemeal bread.

Dinner: Boiled wheat (or bulgur), or brown rice, with a dozen unsalted green olives.


Breakfast: Yogurt with fruit, maybe with a little honey.

Lunch: Salad of cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, beets, celery, turnips, spinach, parsley, etc., with olive oil and lemon, fish dish (mackerel, mullet or white fish), seasoned with savory, thyme, bay leaf, turmeric, curry.

Dinner: Oatmeal or rice (gluten-free pasta) with a little butter and spices, a glass of beer.
