Cooking Approaches For Low Fat Diets

Cooking Approaches For Low Fat Diets
Cooking Approaches For Low Fat Diets

The art of cooking with low fat is not as complicated as it seems. As with most processes, if the basic steps are followed, the result will be successful.

Why do we cook low fat?

There are several reasons why cooking with low fat contribute to almost all people to build dietwhich is good for their health. For starters, foods that are high in fat are associated with heart disease and are a precursor to high cholesterol levels. Secondly, it can be mentioned that excessive fat intake poses a threat to the occurrence of cancers. These claims appear after medical examinations of toxins that accumulate in vulnerable areas of the human body, such as breast tissue. When comparing the levels of breast cancer patients in different countries, this is confirmed.

In China and Japan, the incidence of breast cancer is much lower than in Finland, England and the United States, as the eating traditions and habits of the people of China and Japan include low-fat meals in contrast to the peoples of England., USA and Finland, where the levels of this disease are much higher.

The most important thing in foods low in fat is that they also have low calories. One gram of fat contains approximately 9 calories, and one gram of protein contains 4 calories, which leads us to the conclusion that it is important to eliminate some of the fat from our diet in order to consume smaller amounts of calories.

The need for fat

It should be clear that we need fats, as they are an important micronutrient for balanced diet. We do not need fat just to absorb the vitamins from our food, as with vitamins A, D, E and K, the cells need fat and for other purposes as a protective and as an element in the metabolism of the body. Fats serve us to better satisfy the feeling of hunger, and also for a longer time, as their digestion requires more time.

You also need to pay attention to the different types of fats. Saturated fats derived from animal products such as beef, pork, eggs, cheese, butter, poultry, etc. This type of fat is harmful and should be limited to low-fat cooking. Unsaturated fats are those derived from plant products such as avocado, nuts, seeds, including fish and olive oil. Vegetable and corn oil are richer in saturated than unsaturated fats and are often deducted from polyunsaturated fats.

Preparing the kitchen for cooking with low fat

Cooking approaches for low fat diets
Cooking approaches for low fat diets

For starters, it is important to know that they are preferable unsaturated fats. To prepare a low-fat dish, we need some of the following products:

- Olive oil

- Vegetable broth

- Chicken broth

- Low-fat milk

- Low-fat cream

- Low fat cheeses

- Low-fat yogurt

- Apple oil

- Fresh herbs and spices
