What Can You Prepare With Juniper?

What Can You Prepare With Juniper?
What Can You Prepare With Juniper?

Juniper, which can be found as a wild shrub or tree in almost all parts of Bulgaria, is actually an herb that has a multifaceted healing effect. Herbalists use the fruits of this plant, which are picked when ripe, dried and packed in paper bags.

Juniper works well of the digestive system, has expectorant and diuretic action and is used for kidney and bladder stones, difficulty urinating, heartburn and stomach pain, etc. That's why it's good to learn what you can cook from juniper in addition to the standard medicinal infusion of juniper berries. Here we offer you 3 more interesting ideas:

Juniper vinegar

Necessary products: 1 liter of apple cider vinegar, 230 g of juniper berries, a few cloves.

Method of preparation: Pour the well-washed and drained juniper berries into a large enough glass bottle and add the vinegar and cloves. Close the bottle tightly and leave it in a cool place for 2 weeks. When this time has passed, you will be able to use juniper vinegar to season pork, game meat, fish, seafood and more.

juniper berries
juniper berries

Red salad with juniper

Necessary products: 1 kg of red beets, 12 grains of juniper, olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar to taste, a few sprigs of dill.

Method of preparation: The beets are washed and boiled. Just before it softens completely, add the juniper berries to it. When it is ready, take it out, cut it into cubes and pour it into the bowl together with the juniper beans. Add the finely chopped dill to the salad and season with salt, balsamic vinegar and olive oil to taste. If desired, you can sprinkle it with Parmesan cheese.

Sweet coniferous vodka

Necessary products: 1 liter of vodka, 35 g of juniper berries, 150 g of honey, 70 ml of water, 5 g of cinnamon.

Method of preparation: Washed and drained fruit is poured into a bottle of vodka with cinnamon. The bottle is tightly closed and left to stand for 5 days in the sun. Then strain and add the syrup of honey beaten in water to the clear juniper. Once you have mixed all the ingredients, mix well and pour into bottles (probably 2) that have been pre-washed and dried. Close them and you can now enjoy your homemade sweet juniper vodka.
