Red Wine Is A Cure For Infections

Red Wine Is A Cure For Infections
Red Wine Is A Cure For Infections

Red wine is a cure for severe infections!

A team of scientists from the University of Glasgow announced that they have found an antioxidant in the drink that can stop severe infections that cause sepsis (a purulent infection of the body, in which pathogenic microorganisms from the purulent focus enter the bloodstream).

Grapes contain the antioxidant resveratrol. It has the ability to prevent blood clots and is useful in fighting cancer.

The researchers studied two groups of mice exposed to an infectious agent. Those who did not receive prior resveratrol-based treatment developed a severe sepsis-like reaction. It can lead to general organ damage and death in humans.

Mice in the resveratrol group did not develop any infection.

"Severe infectious diseases such as sepsis are very difficult to treat and many people die from lack of treatment. The ultimate goal of our study is to find a new therapy that can help treat severe inflammatory diseases," explained Dr. Alirio Melendez. a scientist from the University of Glasgow.
