Eating For Gout

Eating For Gout
Eating For Gout

In gout, the main principle in nutrition should be balancing. Products that are low in purines may contain harmful substances.

Harmful for gout sufferers are products with saturated fatty acids and easily digestible carbohydrates. Feeding should be done five times a day.

Once a week you should make an unloading day with fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Mineral water with low acidity, citrus and grape juices are recommended.

Juices, as well as compote, can be drunk up to two and a half liters a day. In gout, the consumption of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, onions is allowed.

Citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries are allowed. Milk and dairy products, eggs, squid and shrimp are allowed.

Eating for gout
Eating for gout

Olive oil and linseed oil are recommended, the consumption of pasta is allowed. Cakes and pastries should not be overdone. Nuts - pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, are allowed, as well as honey.

In gout, salt and salami should be limited, as well as cooked meat and fish, mushrooms, bacon, legumes and pickles. Of the vegetables, spinach, sorrel, celery, cauliflower and radishes should be limited.

In gout, trifles, smoked meats, spicy spices, fried meat, all spices except vinegar and bay leaf are prohibited.

The consumption of chocolate and cocoa, coffee and black tea, alcohol, especially beer and wine is also prohibited. Any deviation from this diet is paid dearly by the patient.
