Cherries - A Powerful Remedy For Gout

Cherries - A Powerful Remedy For Gout
Cherries - A Powerful Remedy For Gout

If you suffer from gout, you are probably one of the many people who are constantly looking for a new cure or at least a new hope that will temporarily alleviate your condition and reduce seizures.

Recently, scientists have given us reason to believe that the secret to the milder course of the disease lies in something very common and well known to all, namely - the cherry. It turns out that after research it was confirmed that by consuming cherries you can reduce your seizures by up to one third, which is not small.

The experiment lasted one year and involved more than 600 patients with gout. Three times a day they ate a portion of cherries (equal to half a cup of tea or about 10 cherries) or drank cherry extract and their deterioration decreased by about 35%.

Gout is mainly associated with the crystallization of uric acid in the joints, and cherries contain chemicals whose action is precisely to reduce the levels of this acid in our blood.

Eating cherries
Eating cherries

In combination with allopurinol, which is a type of drug for gout, the incidence of seizures in the studied patients decreased to 75%.

This is a tasty and easily available medicine, different from the harmful chemicals that medicine offers us.
