Four Healthy Applications Of Yarrow

Four Healthy Applications Of Yarrow
Four Healthy Applications Of Yarrow

From yarrow, sage, rosemary, eucalyptus we can prepare universal teas and ointments. These plants can also be used as protection against a number of diseases, as they have healing properties.

How to make yarrow tea?

One teaspoon of finely chopped yarrow is added to a glass of water. Boil for about 10 minutes, then filter the extract. Up to 3 cups of tea can be taken on an empty stomach or between meals. Tea can be easily prepared during operation. This yarrow can be prepared every day and consumed to increase appetite.

How to prepare yarrow ointment?

Put 100 g of unsalted butter or fat in a pan. Add a handful of finely chopped fresh yarrow and finely chopped 15 fresh raspberry leaves. Stir until thickened, lift from the heat and leave in a cool place. The next day, heat slightly, filter through gauze and fill into clean containers. The ointment is ready. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to make baths with yarrow?

Two large handfuls chopped fresh or 100 g dried yarrow put in cold water overnight. The next day, heat to boiling and add to the water in the bath by filtration. This herb will help you relax.

How to prepare a tincture of yarrow?

For tincture you need finely chopped fresh yarrow, collected during flowering. The plants are added to a wide-mouth bottle filled with quality brandy. The bottle is stored in the sun for 14 days, shaking and filtering from time to time.

With this herb you can find an easy solution to a number of diseases, especially if you trust yarrow tea daily. Especially for menopausal women, tea is very useful. This herb will also help balance your blood pressure.
