Food Helpers Against The Yo-yo Effect

Food Helpers Against The Yo-yo Effect
Food Helpers Against The Yo-yo Effect

The yo-yo effect is expressed in the fact that once you manage to lose weight, they then come back again and again. Fasting or low-calorie diets are a good preparation for the yo-yo effect.

While you think you are losing weight, your body simply adjusts and slows down its metabolism to cope with the little food you provide.

However, the change in metabolism leads to the destruction of the effect of the diet. Calorie restriction reduces muscle tone, which further slows down the metabolism. The yo-yo effect is evident in the unaesthetic shape of the arms above the elbow.

Instead of putting your body on a grueling diet or a complete lack of food, lose weight with a long-term weight loss program.

Weight loss
Weight loss

To avoid the yo-yo effect, do not miss breakfast. You can lie about the yo-yo effect and one way to do that is to lose weight slowly.

This will give your body enough energy and burn less protein. Once you lose enough weight, don't start cramming because you will gain weight again.


Some foods will help you fight the yo-yo effect. Fish, milk and dairy products, lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains will help you maintain your diet and exercise.

Reduce, and best forget about fatty and sweet foods. If you can't do without chocolate, eat a little, but don't eat more than 100 grams a week.


Among the best products in the fight against the yo-yo effect are yogurt and all kinds of vegetables and fruits, except for bananas and grapes - they should not be overdone.

Yogurt is suitable for breakfast and dessert, you can supplement it with a teaspoon of honey or jam, or with fresh fruit.

Dried fruits can also be eaten, but in limited quantities, as they contain a lot of sugar. You should eat a large fresh salad at least once a day. You should be careful only with the consumption of avocados and olives, because they contain more fat, but there are no restrictions for other vegetables.

Chicken and turkey are best for your menu if you want to protect yourself from the yo-yo effect. Meals and salads with tofu will also help you maintain the results achieved by the diet and not gain weight.

Drink more water - this is very good for the body, especially if you are on a diet. Drink a glass of water at room temperature before eating - this will reduce your desire to cram.
