The Little Helpers In The Kitchen

The Little Helpers In The Kitchen
The Little Helpers In The Kitchen

Probably if you have children, you have happened to wait for guests, to hurry to prepare the main, salad, dessert, but there is no one to help you with the little ones and you have to watch them too. In this case, there are no older children - if they are old enough to be able to help you, they are unlikely to want to do so.

What do you have left but to engage the children with something easy enough, but fun and a little dirty so that they can do it without your control and not open additional cleaning work after them. What can this activity be - safe, entertaining and clean?

Children like to imitate adults, so they want to see the result of their work and feel significant. It's wonderful, but they still don't have a critical eye and don't realize what their work is expected to look like to be at Mom's dinner. Here, with your help, they will play the right role to make everyone happy.

Cutting shapes

kitchen helpers
kitchen helpers

Include small sweets in your menu. Knead a soft dough and let the children cut out the shapes: hearts, clover, suns, teddy bears. All these wonderful shapes occupy the children and they willingly and carefully help in their preparation. You can count on them even to arrange them in the tray, children are great helpers for this task.

And when the small cakes are baked and cooled, it is the children's turn to glue and decorate them. Prepare the necessary cream or jam for them, show them how to make it and pay attention to the fact that the food should be beautiful and clean, pre-washing your hands before any cooking activity is very important. And tidy and beautiful-looking food can make everyone try it and thus appreciate their work.

Give them creative work

Children in the kitchen
Children in the kitchen

Let them prepare the most interesting fruit dessert. Wash their fruits and cut them into edible pieces, let the children invent the funniest animals from them and arrange them in plates (portions) by colors and shapes. More skillful children can add liquid chocolate and use toothpicks to impress guests with creativity and fun.

Do not allow children to mix fruits with vegetables in their works, it is not educational and does not look beautiful.

Engage your children in origami in advance

When you have a lot of work and no time to waste, give a pack of napkins to the children and make them put into practice their skills to fold the napkins into their favorite forms of origami, which you practically practiced a few days before the important day for you. So, if one of the napkins is good, it will come in handy and you will have an additional topic of conversation at the table. If not, your napkin cost will not be very significant compared to the time you have secured.

And in these moments you can also help yourself by not leaving everything to the last moment. Gradually, a few days in advance, prepare the recipes and the necessary products, desserts and hors d'oeuvres that can last. Assign the roles to the children and how they will get involved to help you or eliminate the possibility of them interfering. If you often let them help you in the kitchen, they will soon learn what you want and will know how to arrange the utensils nicely, how to arrange the dishes beautifully, how to make evenly glued sweets, rolled buns or beautiful napkins in the shape of swans.

For the skilled host, the difference between a beautiful and a perfect dinner is only in the details, if you have a good team, you will always offer your guests a wonderful welcome.
