Garlic Juice Is The Best Detoxifier

Garlic Juice Is The Best Detoxifier
Garlic Juice Is The Best Detoxifier

Garlic is an integral part of the winter table. First of all, its beneficial substances protect us from flu and boost our immune system.

Garlic is also useful for other problems and ailments. It is well known that it can be used to detoxify the body. Most often when it comes to purification with garlic, vegetables are mixed with other products - olive oil, lemon, turmeric and others.

Thanks to all the useful substances contained in it, garlic is especially suitable for detoxification of the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that regular consumption will stimulate metabolism and appetite.

On the other hand, garlic is good for the bronchi and lungs - the essential oils it contains will effectively remove mucus in the sinuses. It is believed that the oils in garlic also help to release toxins that we accumulate in our body through the pores of the skin.

Parasites and bacteria cannot exist in the gastrointestinal tract unless they have a suitable environment, they explain.

specialists. Improper nutrition and frequent overeating of unhealthy foods are actually helpers of parasites and bacteria. The same goes for monotonous food.

To help and prevent possible problems, as well as to cleanse your body, trust garlic. For this purpose, it is enough to eat enough garlic and include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu. You can prepare different vegetable drinks - in general you need a good and balanced diet.

Consumption of garlic
Consumption of garlic

Of course, no matter which recipe and detox you choose, the most important thing to remember is that garlic should be fresh and fresh when you eat it.

We offer you a recipe that will help cleanse the liver, which is known to be the body's filter. Squeeze four lemons and two grapefruits.

To them add a piece of ginger, which you have previously grated, and two minced or crushed in a mortar garlic cloves. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and about 300 ml of mineral water - mix well. Drink one cup of the resulting mixture every night before bed.
