Folk Medicine With Ox Tongue

Folk Medicine With Ox Tongue
Folk Medicine With Ox Tongue

Bull tongue is an herb that is also popular with the names deer and buffalo. The leaves of the plant are used - they are harvested in the spring months and then dried. The herb has an expectorant effect - an extract from the plant soothes the bronchial mucosa.

The herbal tea quickly liquefies the cough and relieves breathing. In addition, the herb has a diuretic effect. It is recommended to drink for bronchitis, spleen diseases, angina and others. You can prepare an infusion of the herb as follows:

- Pour a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of water and leave it to soak, then drink. This is the amount you need to take in one day.

- In case of unpleasant and dry cough you can make a decoction of several herbs - 10 g of coltsfoot, flaxseed and ox tongue, 5 g of chamomile, 15 g of elder leaves.

Finely chop the herbs and place them in a suitable container in which you have previously placed 3.5 liters of water. The mixture should boil for ten minutes, then strain and can be drunk. It is desirable to drink this tea while it is warm, optionally season it with honey.

Herb Ox Tongue
Herb Ox Tongue

- Mix in a suitable container 100 g of herbs coltsfoot and ox tongue, 150 g of elder leaves. Add to them 50 g of chamomile. Mix the drugs and take 1 tbsp. - put it in 300 ml of boiling water.

Leave on the stove for a minute and then withdraw. Strain and sweeten with honey. Drink the decoction in equal amounts three times a day. It is good to drink the mixture before meals.

- The following recipe is a bit unusual, as honey is added to the herbs before they are cooked. To make the decoction at home you will need 2 tbsp. of the following few plants - elderflower, ox tongue, thyme, white rose, plantain, mint, oregano, primrose and licorice.

To them is added nectar honey, also about 2 tablespoons, then pour half a liter of boiling water. Return the mixture to the hob for another ten minutes. After it cools, you must strain the decoction. Drink one cup of coffee three times a day.
