Popcorn Is The Cause Of Bronchitis

Popcorn Is The Cause Of Bronchitis
Popcorn Is The Cause Of Bronchitis

If you are a serious fan of popcorn, it would not be bad to limit their consumption a bit, because recent research suggests that they can be a serious threat to your health.

According to experts, the chemical compound diacetyl, which is contained in popcorn, is quite dangerous for the lungs and can lead to unpleasant diseases such as bronchitis.

Of course, this danger does not apply to those of you who eat popcorn once or twice a month. However, if you are often tempted to put a packet of popcorn in the microwave, you must keep in mind that this dangerous compound accumulates in your body and at some point the negative effects will occur.

The very fact that we have almost forgotten the original way of popping with a saucepan and oil, and we use microwave radiation to get fast and hot popcorn in just a few minutes, speaks volumes about how harmful they and ours can be. habits.

It will be to your advantage if you replace this harmful habit with something else, such as pumpkin seeds - an equally entertaining and tasty snack, but far more useful.

Popcorn in the microwave
Popcorn in the microwave

And if you can't give up, at least there's nothing stopping you from limiting your doses and starting to cook them on a hot plate.

The combination of diacetyl and microwave waves becomes twice as dangerous for you, and if this thing happens every day, you will inevitably regret at some point later what you have caused yourself.

If you want to protect yourself from diacetyl in general, it is good to read carefully the labels of various flavored products, because in them it can usually be found in large quantities.
