How To Taste It During Lent

How To Taste It During Lent
How To Taste It During Lent

Easter fasts are a real torture for people who want to observe them, but constantly think about the delicacies they are forced to deprive themselves of.

The main mistake is to eat the way you are used to before fasting, by simply excluding meat and animal products from your menu.

Pasta and pasta products will remain at your disposal, which you think will satisfy your hunger. To make fasting not only enjoyable but also healthy, focus on products you have ignored.

Focus on legumes, as they are record holders for protein content in the plant world. The family of legumes is huge, but those accustomed to eating meat do not pay attention to them.

In addition to ripe beans, which along with lentils are most common in kitchen cabinets, there are dozens of varieties of lentils, different types and colors of peas, soy and chickpeas.

The small red lentils, which contain up to thirty-five percent protein, can make a wonderful base for a delicious cream soup. The large green lentils retain their shape when cooked and look perfect in soups and salads.

The small dark lentil has a nutty taste and goes perfectly with different types of vegetables. To boil lentils for garnish, boil three parts water and put one part washed lentils inside. Boil for half an hour until the water evaporates. Add salt after boiling.


If you are bored with ordinary boiled peas, make a spicy Indian soup. Boil a cup of peas in boiling water for half an hour on low heat.

Do not salt the peas during cooking. Add finely chopped carrots and onions, a piece of ginger and hot pepper, which you have previously fried with spices to taste such as pepper, cardamom and coriander.

When the peas are cooked, add the fried vegetables and salt and simmer for three minutes. Serve the soup hot - it will charge you with energy and satiety.

Emphasize vegetables not only fresh but also cooked, especially since carrots and mushrooms need a little fat to dissolve their nutrients.

Onions can be prepared in an extremely tasty way, which will make it a favorite dish during Lent. Cut the peeled onion into large rings, trying not to fall apart. Roll them in flour and fry them on both sides until golden.

Thus, the sweet juice is preserved, and with it its useful substances. This method of preparation is also suitable for carrots, radishes and potatoes. You can use wholemeal or rye flour for breading.
