2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Dandruff are basidiomycetes with an edible fruiting body. They have a spherical or pear-shaped shape. The inside of the dandruff is called soil and in young mushrooms it is white. With the maturation of the spores contained in it, however, the inside begins to darken and turn from dense to powdery.
The outer shell, called the peridium, also undergoes certain changes as the spores mature. At first it is white, but after a while it turns brown and disintegrates, but it is possible that it will pierce in order to form an opening through which the mature spores will be able to disperse later. Even if a raindrop falls or an animal presses on the fruiting body, the spores are instantly shot through the hole created. They are extremely light and are carried very lightly by air currents.
The individual species dandruff can be found in different places. Most often we come across them in pastures and fields. Some dandruff grows near deciduous or coniferous trees. The fruiting period is long - from spring to late autumn.
Types of dandruff
Dandruff Bovista - these mushrooms have small fruiting bodies with a spherical shape. Their maximum diameter is about 2-3 cm. At the base they do not have a foot to play the role of a stump, and instead mycelial hyphae hang from below. Their shell consists of two layers, which are clearly distinguished from each other - inner / endoperidium / and outer / exoperidia /. The outer layer is white, can be smooth or rough. It breaks down into pieces when the mushroom matures. The inner layer also changes its colorless color and dries.
In different species, the membrane is colored brown or gray. After the spores are fully ripe, the whole fruiting body begins to dry out, and the base separates from the soil and the fungus begins to roll quite freely. Mature dandruff spores are dispersed through a single hole, which is located at the top. The most famous dandruff of this species are gray dandruff / Bovista plumbea / and ovoid dandruff / Bovista nigrescens /. Distinguishing between species is a very difficult task and relies only on microscopic features in the scars.
Dandruff Calvatia - these are the largest dandruff, which has a variety of forms. The common feature of the species in this group is the way in which the spores are dispersed. As the soil matures (inside), the shell begins to crack into pieces that fall off and reveal the mature spores.
The most famous representatives of this type of dandruff are:
Calvatia excipuliformis - has a fruiting body with a club shape and a height of up to 15 cm. It grows mainly in forests and can rarely be found in pastures and meadows.
Poland dandruff / Calvatia utriformis / - the fruiting body is 5 to 15 cm high, reaching 8-11 cm in diameter. It has a pear-shaped back, consisting of two parts. The upper part is flattened spherical, while the lower part is cylindrical, stump-like and striated longitudinally.

Giant dandruff / Calvatia gigantea / - this fungus reaches huge sizes, which is why it is very easily recognizable. The maximum weight of a dandruff of this species is 10 kg and the diameter reaches 80 cm.
Dandruff Lucopendron - these are a type of dandruff pear-shaped and no more than 5 cm in diameter. They are found mainly in forests and have 15 representatives. The outer shell has a color that is specific to each species. You can see dandruff with a structure that resembles thorns, hairs, rags or tiles. After erasing this color, the inner shell remains underneath, which is smooth. All dandruffs of this species have a very well-developed leg in which the sterile base is located. The color of the fruiting body is important for determining the species. The most famous representatives of this species are the Grainy dandruff Lucoperdon perlatum and Lucoperdon echinatum.
Dandruff Vascellum - in Europe there is only one species / Vascellum pretense /. It inhabits meadows, is small in size and has an oval or rounded appearance. Its outer and inner shells are very well distinguished. The outer shell is covered with densely arranged fine spikes that can be very easily removed by hand. The inner shell is a membrane.
Collection and storage of dandruff
When buying dandruff you should pay attention to their appearance - they should look healthy and smell nice. If in doubt about the suitability of mushrooms, do not buy them at all. If you collect dandruff, refer to the above descriptions, but still be very careful.
Mushroom picking should be done by professional mushroom pickers to avoid unpleasant and dangerous accidents. Dandruff, like other types of mushrooms, is not very durable, so store them in the refrigerator and consume them as soon as possible after purchase / collection.
Dandruff in cooking
The meat of dandruff is very gentle, so you need to take this fact into account during cooking. It is best to bread it - this is the most delicious. It is possible to fry in very hot oil, but for a very short time. Dandruff it can be stewed or more precisely prepared with butter sauce. To do this, melt butter and dilute it with broth and spices, and put the mushrooms at the end.
If desired, you can eat dandruff lightly roasted. String it on lean skewers or meat skewers. There are not many options for preparing dandruff, but on the other hand, it is one of the most delicious mushrooms.
Benefits of dandruff
Research has found a number of beneficial properties in dandruff, some of which have antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Giant dandruff spores contain chemicals from the group of penicillin antibiotics.
Damage from dandruff
The danger of consuming dandruff again it comes from the possibility of confusion with some poisonous species. The good news is that the giant dandruff does not have a double of similar size, so it is difficult to confuse. Eat only mushrooms from proven sources and seek medical attention at the slightest suspicion of poisoning.
Hellebore Cures Hair Loss And Dandruff

Hellebore is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its stem is straight, with large leaves. The flowers are yellow-green, colored with darker veins, and its rhizome has numerous branches. The hellebore can be found near streams and rivers, as it prefers moist and swampy places.
Folk Remedies For Dandruff

You can fight dandruff both with medication and with folk remedies . Common anti-dandruff shampoos contain various substances, including zinc, selenium, ketoconazole and silicic acid. But whatever the medications, they need to be changed often.