Folk Remedies For Dandruff

Video: Folk Remedies For Dandruff

Video: Folk Remedies For Dandruff
Video: HOW TO TREAT DANDRUFF AT HOME - Dandruff Medical and Home Remedies. 2024, September
Folk Remedies For Dandruff
Folk Remedies For Dandruff

You can fight dandruff both with medication and with folk remedies. Common anti-dandruff shampoos contain various substances, including zinc, selenium, ketoconazole and silicic acid.

But whatever the medications, they need to be changed often. Here's how you can help yourself fight white dust on your shoulders.

Rinse your hair first and dry it lightly.

Experts advise washing your hair twice in a row, rinsing it with acid solution of water and vinegar.

You can use lemon water for a similar purpose. It is prepared from the peel of four lemons. Chop the lemons, add a liter of water and then boil for 15 minutes after boiling.

The head should be rinsed with the cooled and strained decoction.

For a similar purpose, you can use a tincture of nettle and onion peels. To 1 cup of boiling water put 1 tbsp. nettle. The infusion should be cooled, filtered and then used.

Onion infusion is obtained if 50 grams of onion peels are boiled in 1 liter of hot water and soaked.

Mustard water is also used for washing - a mixture of 1 tbsp. mustard and 1 liter of water.

After regular rinsing, not only will the dandruff disappear, but also a beautiful shine of the hair will appear.
