Watermelon Thickens And Melon Soothes

Watermelon Thickens And Melon Soothes
Watermelon Thickens And Melon Soothes

We are in the midst of melon and watermelon season and it's great that you can find them at the market or in the fruit and vegetables of the neighborhood supermarket. The sweet fruits are not only delicious, but also cleansing and beautifying.

Their beneficial substances help the heart to work better, the skin to glow, the body to be firm and the face to smile.

Let's start with the watermelon. Many thousands of years ago, Africans first began growing green-barked fruit. After that, the Egyptians began to plant watermelons with watermelons along the Nile.

Watermelon seeds were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, which is a sure sign that the noble Egyptians adored this fruit.

Watermelon has reached our latitudes through the Crusaders. Watermelon quenches thirst, satisfies hunger and expels toxins from our body. When ripe it contains 95% water, sucrose, glucose and fructose.


There is also pectin, cellulose, folic acid, carotene and no fat. Watermelon cleanses the kidneys, weight and bad cholesterol. The fruit stores calcium, magnesium, iron salts and cobalt. Magnesium fights stress, but it leaks out of our body in the summer along with sweat.

In addition to all these positive things for health, experts say that watermelon acts as Viagra and stimulates libido.

Watermelon also serves to beautify, as it hydrates the skin. It is enough to rub the face and neck.

And did you know that the Chinese take advantage of the watermelon peels we throw in the trash? They are fried in the most populous country.

Watermelon seeds are very rich in zinc, useful for skin and hair.

Now for the melon. It contains iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium. Therefore, it is useful in exhaustion and anemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease.

Eating melon regularly works well for nervousness and mental fatigue.

The folic acid in melon is extremely beneficial for the nervous system. A suitable diet for health and weight loss is to eat 3 to 5 kg of melon once a week. By eating the sweet fruit you can make 1-2 unloading days.

The most common culinary cross in Bulgaria in the summer is watermelon with mastic, and some prefer melon with gin. In France and Spain, the fruit is offered as an appetizer. Watermelon and melon can be part of cocktails, mousses, fruit salads, ice cream.
