Watermelon - The Summer Miracle Of Health And Beauty

Watermelon - The Summer Miracle Of Health And Beauty
Watermelon - The Summer Miracle Of Health And Beauty

Watermelon is a great ally of healthy eating in summer and at high temperatures. Remember that this is a fruit with a refreshing effect, rich in trace elements, and can affect high blood pressure and prevent the so-called heat stroke.

Nutritional properties of watermelon

Watermelon is known for its fresh and sweet taste and its valuable nutritional properties. It is rich in vitamins A and C and has enviable levels of vitamin B6.

Trace elements: high doses of mineral salts, in particular potassium (112 mg), phosphorus (11 mg) and magnesium (10 mg). The values given in brackets refer to the amount of mineral salt for every 100 grams of watermelon consumed.

Calories: 100 grams of watermelon contains 16 kcal. Watermelon contains 3.7% carbohydrate units, 0.4% protein, 0.2% fiber and about 92% water.

Due to the amount of minerals, watermelon is an excellent means of cleansing the body. It has diuretic properties and favors the elimination of toxins accumulated in the body.

Due to its richness of microelements (vitamins and minerals) it is a good remedy against summer fatigue, physical fatigue and stress.

The presence of antioxidants and carotenoids makes watermelon also a good ally of beautiful skin, especially in summer, when it needs special protection. Antioxidants and carotenoids protect the skin from the appearance of tumors.


Potassium, which is abundant in this fruit, helps maintain osmotic pressure levels and water retention - to help smooth muscles.

Due to the high amount of water, which represents 93% of the composition of the fruit, watermelon manages to give a feeling of satiety and perfectly keeps the nerve impulse of hunger under control. Vitamin B improves mood and fights the nerve impulse of hunger in the long run.

Properties of watermelon seeds and bark

The seeds have a mild laxative effect and, once dried, can also be used.

The white part of the watermelon is rich in the amino acid citrulline, which has a vasodilating effect. Citrulline can help people with erectile problems, and usually the white part of the fetus is discarded. Due to the abundance of citrulline, watermelon is often called passion fruit.


Those who suffer from heartburn, gastritis, colitis or irritable bowel syndrome should consume watermelon in moderation, as well as other fruits such as kiwis, melons, peaches and figs.

Watermelon and diabetes

Varieties of watermelon
Varieties of watermelon

Contraindications do not include diabetes: watermelon, compared to many other fruits (apples included), contains less sugar and carbohydrates. Anyone with diabetes should discuss watermelon consumption with their doctor or nutritionist.

Watermelon as a means of beauty

Combining watermelon juice with green clay can get a very good and refreshing beauty mask, which is good to use after sun exposure.

How does a watermelon grow?

Watermelons are grown in summer because when temperatures drop, plant growth slows significantly and reaching optimal maturity is long. In good weather, the plant can give birth to a ripe watermelon within 85 days.

Melon without seeds

Seedless watermelon is designed to meet the needs of consumers who are increasingly looking for products that are easy to eat. This GMO watermelon does not develop seeds.
