Types Of Dairy Products, Without Which The Bulgarian Can Not

Types Of Dairy Products, Without Which The Bulgarian Can Not
Types Of Dairy Products, Without Which The Bulgarian Can Not

When we talk about dairy products, it should be borne in mind that the milk it does not belong to them, as they are its derivatives. Here are some of the most common dairy products, without which the Bulgarian can not do, and brief information about them:

1. Cheese

Types of dairy products, without which the Bulgarian can not
Types of dairy products, without which the Bulgarian can not

Photo: Albena Assenova

There are few Bulgarian tables where this dairy product is not present. Known since the time of Homer, cheese is probably the most common dairy product in Bulgaria. It is prepared from different types of milk, which is why there is cow's cheese, sheep's cheese, buffalo cheese and more. Whether the cheese will be higher in calories or lower in calories depends on what milk it is made of, but it usually varies from 12 to 30%, generally speaking - 100 g of cheese contains about 20 g of protein. and about 20 g of fat.

2. Oil

The most consumed oil is cow's milk, and its fat can be quite varied. Decades ago, the emphasis was on higher-calorie butter, which contained about 85% fat, but with the growing trend of people becoming overweight en masse, there is less emphasis on its caloric content. However cow butter is among the favorites dairy products. It is high in vitamin A and is certainly preferable to margarine.

3. Yellow cheese

Yellow cheese is a traditional dairy product
Yellow cheese is a traditional dairy product

It will be difficult to make a delicious sandwich or some kind of casserole in the oven if you do not put grated yellow cheese on top. This dairy product has an extremely valuable protein content and restriction of its consumption is necessary only in some diseases such as ulcers, chronic gastritis, diseases of the bile, liver, cardiovascular system and others.

4. Cottage cheese

It tastes much milder than cheese, but is preferable when dieting.

Types of dairy products, without which the Bulgarian can not
Types of dairy products, without which the Bulgarian can not

5. Sour cream

This lactic acid product is extremely tasty and is used in the preparation of various soups, appetizers, main dishes and desserts. However, if you are careful with your weight, always look at the fat percentage of the cream, which can vary a lot. Chocolate cream, for example, contains nearly 630 calories and 58% fat.
