Animal Fats Are Not So Harmful

Animal Fats Are Not So Harmful
Animal Fats Are Not So Harmful

Experts argue a lot about whether oil is harmful or not. You probably think that vegetable fats are good and animal fats are bad.

Until now, it has been widely believed that consuming animal fats raises blood cholesterol levels. And that is a major factor in the development of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis.

This is not the opinion of a group of scientists from Sweden. They refuted this hypothesis after studying a group of volunteers of 28 men and 19 women.

They were all divided into several groups. The menu of all groups included different types of fats - olive oil, butter, linseed oil.

The meals of the participants in the experiment were 3 per day, with an average daily caloric intake of 1800-2000. All were subjected to medium loads.

Animal fats are not so harmful
Animal fats are not so harmful

Every morning, the researchers took a blood sample from the volunteers, and one, three, and five hours after their meals, too. What did the results show? People who ate cow's butter had lower blood cholesterol levels than those who ate olive oil, vegetable oil or flaxseed.

Scientists have come to another curious conclusion. Namely, that cholesterol increased more in men than in women. Researchers explain this fact with hormonal differences and peculiarities in the metabolism of nutrients in the male and female body.

The female body has a habit of accumulating fat, which enters it as subcutaneous. Thus, they get into the blood to a lesser extent.
