The Most Fashionable Diet - Water

The Most Fashionable Diet - Water
The Most Fashionable Diet - Water

The so-called "water diet" was developed by American nutritionists and is gaining popularity. Scientists surprised the world with their statements about the extraordinary effect of ordinary drinking water on weight loss.

There is no need to explain in detail how important water is for human existence. It provides the cells in the body with all the nutrients - minerals, vitamins, salts, participates in the regulation of body temperature.

Now scientists claim that thanks to a specially created water diet we can significantly adjust our weight. They recommend starting the day with a glass of filtered (this is important!) Water with a little lemon juice before breakfast.

In addition, an individual dose of water should be drunk during the day. You can easily calculate the dose - for every kilogram of weight you should consume 40 ml of water.

Water diet
Water diet

6-8 glasses of filtered water a day helps reduce the feeling of hunger and help the efficient functioning of the digestive system.

Remember that you should consume your dose of drinking water at least 30 minutes before a meal or two hours later. Do not drink during meals. This can disrupt the digestive process. If you drink water immediately after eating, it will also not have the desired effect.

It is important to remember that you cannot replace water with a beer or soda. Feed the body with drinks without caffeine, alcohol and without calories. Researchers advise following this diet during the warm season, when fluids are partially excreted through sweat. This helps to reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Unfortunately, the water diet has its drawbacks. If a person consumes more than 4 liters of fluid per day, it washes away the necessary minerals from the body. That is why it is important to adhere to the golden environment in order to avoid a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.
