The Most Useful Diet - Lemon

The Most Useful Diet - Lemon
The Most Useful Diet - Lemon

The most famous nutritionists recognize lemon as the best cleanser. Included in diets, yellow citrus helps to remove toxins from the body and lose weight. The secret of sour fruit is that it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Numerous studies show that eating lemons and drinking lemon juices is not only good for the skin, but also stimulates the normalization of nutrient absorption.

In combination with exercise and a healthy diet, with the help of lemon you will lose weight. In addition, vitamin C, which is very rich in lemon, increases immunity in winter, accelerates the healing process of allergies, tuberculosis, rheumatism and fractures, burns and wounds.

Lemons contain 7-8% citric acid, which other fruits cannot boast of. It interacts with other enzymes and acids, stimulates digestion and gastric juices. Due to the high acidity, even a small slice of lemon can have a positive effect on the digestive process and reduce the risk of high blood sugar.

The healing properties of the lemon and its consumption in food have been known to people since ancient times. Doctors who lived in the Middle Ages treated many diseases with the help of ripe lemon fruit. They mixed lemon juice or its peel with other herbs and vegetables. Various types of herbal extracts in combination with lemon peel have been widely popular in diet and medicine.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Institute of Nutrition, the pectin contained in lemon peel is able to quench hunger within 4 hours.

The most useful diet - lemon
The most useful diet - lemon

Lemon juice is also unique in its composition, as one of the most powerful concentrates of vitamin C. And vitamin C, in addition to being able to mobilize the body against colds, helps effective digestion, and hence weight loss, according to the University. in Arizona.

To lose weight with the help of lemons does not mean to eat only them and forget about all the other products. Scientists say that you can continue to eat even such high-protein products as cheese, for example. Even chocolate ice cream is not taboo.

Experts recommend that those who want to lose weight, just include in your daily menu a few tablespoons of lemon juice or a few slices of lemon.
