Health Benefits Of Hyssop

Health Benefits Of Hyssop
Health Benefits Of Hyssop

In the time of Hippocrates, the hyssop plant was known as a sacred herb. The benefits of this fragrant plant with delicate blue flowers are many.

The above-ground parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Essential oil is also extracted from them.

Hyssop infusion is prepared by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the dried plant (aboveground parts and / or flowers). Allow to cool and drink 1/2 cup of the result 3 times a day.

This drink is a cure for people with cardiovascular disease. It is also used as a gargle for sore throats, inflamed gums and enlarged tonsils. Hyssop is useful in the treatment of asthma in children as well as adults.


Young hyssop leaves are added to teas, salads, fruit soups and more. They have a strong mint aroma. The volatile oils contained in them treat indigestion, gas, bloating and colic.

Hyssop oil can be found in a number of high quality perfumes. It has a strong aroma of a mixture of several herbs. It is recommended for the treatment of respiratory diseases, as it has an expectorant effect. The essence that is released cures bronchitis and catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The aroma that is released stimulates the appetite.

Apart from internally, hyssop oil is also applied externally. The massage with it has a relaxing effect and at the same time charges with energy. Eliminates fatigue and fights insomnia. The combined intake of the oil is used for severe stress, fear neuroses, hysteria. It creates a sense of alertness and a clear view of things.

Essential oil
Essential oil

For bronchitis and colds of the chest, rub with diluted hyssop oil. It combines well with thyme and eucalyptus. It is also added to the water in the bath in case of nervous fatigue, melancholy or grief.

Each sprain passes faster if it is smeared with hyssop oil. It is also used successfully in cooking as a spice for meat and sauces. Its aroma can be felt in Swiss absinthe.

Hyssop leaves are applied to wounds and bruises. Tinctures are used again for expectoration. They are best combined with mullein, licorice and comfrey.
