TOP 5 Recipes For The Healthiest Snacks

TOP 5 Recipes For The Healthiest Snacks
TOP 5 Recipes For The Healthiest Snacks

Haven't you heard the wise thought that you should eat breakfast alone, share lunch with your friend, and give dinner to your enemies? !!

A full breakfast is a must if you want to be active and energetic during the day. Due to our hectic daily lives, we often neglect breakfast and skip lunch.

When we have breakfast, our breakfast often consists of either too fatty products (fried eggs, sausages, salami, cheese), or dishes rich in simple saccharides (milk with various additives, sandwiches, sweet porridge).

All of these dull hunger for a while, but do not contain protein and complex carbohydrates that will charge the body with energy for a long time.

Here are five ideas for healthy snacks:

1. Grapefruit, wholemeal bread or rusks with almond oil

Almond oil is more useful than peanut butter.

2. Fresh fruit salad. Slice apples, watermelon, berries, oranges, pears, bananas, grapes, etc. Use lemon juice or yogurt for seasoning.

3. Oatmeal, strawberries and almonds. You can add a little cinnamon and honey. If you prefer them with milk, choose skim. This breakfast is rich in protein, cellulose and healthy fats. It is delicious and does not take much time.

4. Eggs with vegetables. Stew the eggs in olive oil and add vegetables: peppers, onions, broccoli and more. Add spices. You don't have to give up a slice of wholemeal bread.

5. Cottage cheese with fruit. Mix the skimmed cottage cheese in some kind of fruit: apples, citrus, raspberries, strawberries, etc. You can also add 1-2 teaspoons of cream.
