Here Is The Amount Of Whiskey The Bulgarian Drinks Per Year

Here Is The Amount Of Whiskey The Bulgarian Drinks Per Year
Here Is The Amount Of Whiskey The Bulgarian Drinks Per Year

/ undefined Of the imported high-grade beverages, whiskey is the most preferred for consumption by Bulgarians, and a new Eurostat survey shows how much we can afford on average per year.

According to the surveys, an average of 1.2 liters of whiskey is drunk in Bulgaria every year. About 30% of Bulgarians between the ages of 18 and 43 drink whiskey regularly, with consumption decreasing with age.

The data of the Association of Importers and Traders of Spirits report that of the imported goods it is the best-selling alcohol. Last year, 6.8 million liters of whiskey worth BGN 135 million were imported to Bulgaria.

Men and women drink almost the same amount of whiskey, commented the Association. Experts also say that more and more Bulgarians prefer a glass of whiskey to brandy.

Here is the amount of whiskey the Bulgarian drinks per year
Here is the amount of whiskey the Bulgarian drinks per year

Scotch whiskey is the most sought after, followed by Irish and American brands.

After whiskey, vodka and ouzo are among the most consumed high-grade drinks.

The largest producer of whiskey is the United Kingdom, with the value of its alcohol reaching 3.7 billion euros. This means that every 9 out of 10 bottles of hard alcohol come from the United Kingdom.

France, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands are also leaders in whiskey production. The largest exports of European whiskey are made to the United States, Singapore and Taiwan.
