What To Eat To Kill Your Appetite

What To Eat To Kill Your Appetite
What To Eat To Kill Your Appetite

European statistics show that more and more people work from home, and the term "home office" is familiar to everyone, regardless of whether they have a basic knowledge of English. However, working from home is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it saves us the hassle of getting to the office, the stress of it, and the cost of lunch at work. On the other hand, spending so much time at home, we become immobile and literally become subject to the refrigerator, which "calls" us from the next room.

For some problems you will have to find an adequate solution yourself, but we will show you what to eat or drink if you want to suppress your wolf's appetite.

Appetite suppressant foods

Apples and pears

The pectin contained in these fruits is a very good regulator of blood sugar. The result is that we do not feel the need to eat jam. Learn to eat one apple or pear a day and you will quickly find that you do not "dream" of candy or chocolate. Or bet on a fruit salad when you feel like eating something sweet.


Veal steaks satiate the appetite
Veal steaks satiate the appetite

The meat is very filling in itself, but to kill your big appetite the fact that you chew it for a long time also contributes. This way you both realize what exactly "got" into your mouth and evaluate it, and you are full for a long time. If you want to be full longer, bet on beef steaks. If you are looking for a lighter option, choose meat salads. A very good option is chicken salad.

Nuts and oats

They are all very filling, but you should not overdo it. Regarding nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and others. it is enough to eat a handful a day. And so that we don't get bored, we can make candies with nuts and raw bars from them.

Chia seed

Until recently considered something super modern and exotic, today you can get one from almost any store. The good thing is that in addition to satiating, it does not have a particularly distinct taste and you can add it to almost anything you like to eat. But if you are hungry for jam, you will quench it with a delicious chia pudding.


Cinnamon suppresses appetite
Cinnamon suppresses appetite

A spice that too suppresses appetite for sweets. By consuming it, a slow release of energy is achieved, which keeps you full for a long time.

Appetite suppressant drinks

It is known that there are many teas to kill appetite. But some people do not like tea. For them, we also offer these two drinks, which also work to reduce overeating.


Nothing new, you might say. But it is indisputably proven that water is not only good for your health, but also easily satisfies your hunger. It turns out that we often confuse the feeling of hunger with thirst.

Water against appetite
Water against appetite


Coffee suppresses the feeling of hunger while helping to burn fat in our body. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive. One or two glasses a day are enough.

Others appetite suppressant drinks are green smoothies and protein shakes.
