When The Oil Is Carcinogenic

When The Oil Is Carcinogenic
When The Oil Is Carcinogenic

Sunflower oil ranks fourth in the world production of vegetable oils. It is an abundant dietary source of unsaturated fats, mainly polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid, vitamin E and some phenolic compounds.

Repeated cooking and frying is a very common practice and leads to the formation of a large class of toxic substances. Among them in one of the first places are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are well known for their mutagenic and carcinogenic potential.

They reach all body tissues containing fat. They tend to be stored mostly in the kidneys, liver, spleen, adrenal glands and ovaries. According to most studies, they have been found to remain in the body for a long time.

All cooking fats emit harmful particles when heated to a high temperature, but it turns out that vegetables are the most dangerous. Deep frying produces carcinogenic chemicals and compounds such as acrylamide.

It is a chemical that forms in fats heated to a high temperature during frying and baking. Acrylamide is considered one of the causes of cancer and damage to the central nervous system.

Chemicals found in tobacco smoke and fumes are very similar to those released when the oil is heated to high temperatures.

Unsaturated fats turn rancid when exposed to air, a process called oxidation, and this is the same process that takes place when oil dries.

This process is accelerated at higher temperatures and the free radicals produced by it react with parts of the cells such as DNA molecules and proteins. When they combine with these molecules, the effect can lead to structural abnormalities in cell function.

It is no coincidence that all health experts and nutritionists call for a restriction of fried foods, it turns out that just then the oil and all vegetable fats are the most harmful and dangerous.
