Banting's Diet

Banting's Diet
Banting's Diet

This one diet is named after William Bunting, who lived in England in the late nineteenth century. He was an entrepreneur with no medical education. During the years of his youth and adulthood, this man never suffered from overweight. But at the age of 60, he quickly gained weight. Salt baths, mud, expert consultations, rowing in water, outdoor procedures - everything was in vain, the weight did not go away.

After some time, William Bunting's weight reached the critical point of 100 kg, which prevented him from breathing freely, sleeping, moving and hearing. Doctors raised their hands, claiming that this was a normal physiological condition for his age. Fortunately for Bunting, he became a patient of Dr. William Harvey, an innovator in human physiology who turned his attention to research on metabolic processes in the human body.

After the examination, it was concluded that William Bunting was completely healthy. At the same time, the patient received recommendations to pay attention to the components of his daily food ration. During the day the man consumed a lot of sweet milk, bread, rusks and beer. The doctor recommended to remove products from flour, sugar, potatoes, beer from the daily menu, as all these products contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which disrupts metabolism.

This is what causes an imbalance, contributing to the formation and accumulation of fat.

After listening to healthy eating tips, Bunting underwent a low-carb diet that helped him lose 30 pounds.

His diet menu contained the following:

Foods in Banting's diet
Foods in Banting's diet

- Breakfast: lean fish or meat, unsweetened tea, diet biscuits;

- Lunch: lean poultry, low-fat fish, vegetables (without potatoes), a glass of dry wine (excluding beer and champagne);

- Afternoon snack: unsweetened tea, croutons, all kinds of fruit;

- Dinner: meat or fish (100 g), a glass of red wine.

Later Bunting wrote and published a pamphlet entitled Letter on Obesity, in which he described his history of combating obesity. The publication paid special attention to proper nutrition.

According to the author, meals are taken 4 times a day. The menu included vegetables, fruits, meat, dry wine. Sugar, starchy foods, fatty oils, milk and beer are out of the diet.

Diet Banning has been a great success and is today considered the first publication for low carb diet. However, doctors and scientists for a long time did not want to accept Bunting modebecause they could not understand its principle.

Over time, studies have shown that to lose weight, you need to limit your intake of sugar and starch, but not fat. But the diet does not include fatty foods such as butter, fatty fish, pork, which allows it to be called low-carbohydrate with a limited amount of animal fat. The body's needs for nutrients are supplemented with fruits, vegetables and easily digestible proteins.

Modern nutritionists use the word Buntingto denote a diet low in sugar and starch.

This diet is accepted by many clinics, achieving 100% efficiency.

Recent studies have been conducted in the United States, where a group of volunteers were able to lose 10% of their weight after 6 months using Banting's dietas well as normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Recommended foods for the Banting diet

Rye bread is allowed in the Banting Diet
Rye bread is allowed in the Banting Diet

- Lean fish and meat;

- Vegetables and fruits;

- Rye or wholemeal bread;

- Unsweetened coffee or tea.

Prohibited foods in the Bunting diet

- Sugar;

- Milk;

- Starchy vegetables (potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets, parsnips).

Sample daily menu of Bunting's diet

- Breakfast: unsweetened coffee or tea;

- Lunch: lean boiled meat (230 g), rye bread (25 g), apple, lemon, unsweetened tea;

- Dinner: boiled chicken breast (220 g), rye bread (25 g), apple, unsweetened tea or coffee.

Banting's diet can be a good way to lose weight. It can be used at any time of the year, without counting calories and eating fatty protein foods.
