Protein Diets Make Women Unhappy

Protein Diets Make Women Unhappy
Protein Diets Make Women Unhappy

There are only two things that have the power to cause a depressing feeling of unhappiness in women.

The first of them are men, whose attitude is able to turn a fragile woman's heart into a storm cloud or to bring it to a state of helplessness.

The second thing that has such a strong effect on the mood of the weaker sex is diet. All ladies are well aware of the feeling of following a diet - you can not eat what you eat and yet the feeling that you are still fat eats you from the inside.

This formidable combination is the cause of women's dissatisfaction while following diets. Although some healthy menus proclaim that with their proper selection and combination of products they will charge the body with unheard of energy and vital juices, this feeling often remains imperceptible. Everything is trampled under the psychologically disturbing thought that we are just on a diet.

Protein diets make women unhappy
Protein diets make women unhappy

It turns out that our menu for removing rings is quite often the cause of bad mood. Protein diets have a particularly negative effect on the psyche and physique of women.

The reason for this lies in the total lack of carbohydrates in our daily portions. Carbohydrates are those compounds that boost serotonin - the hormone of happiness, which is the main culprit for variations in women's mood.

It has been proven that in the fairer sex the lack of carbohydrates affects far more strongly and even more severely than in men.

The basic hypothesis is that every female creature is born with lower levels of serotonin. So it is no wonder that a portion of spaghetti or pasta is able to bring back a positive outlook on the life of every lady.

Another major cause of bad mood in the fairer sex is insufficient sleep. A sleepless night is not a problem, but when sleep deprivation becomes systemic, the situation changes. If we do not sleep for at least five hours a day, the level of the stress hormone cortisol rises and the mood drops sharply.
