Spinach And Onions Have The Highest Amounts Of Nitrates

Spinach And Onions Have The Highest Amounts Of Nitrates
Spinach And Onions Have The Highest Amounts Of Nitrates

Spinach and fresh onions contain the highest amounts of nitrates among the vegetables on the market. The quantities in garlic are also high, Professor Donka Baikova told Nova TV.

To protect yourself, the expert advises to wash vegetables well in warm water before eating. Nitrates are generally not dangerous to human health if used at regulated levels.

Cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers are also on the market with higher levels of nitrates. In addition to washing them with warm water, some vegetables can also be peeled to ensure that we do not ingest much of the nitrates.


Nitrates are not toxic in themselves. They are an added ingredient in vegetables that enters them through the soil when fertilized. Nitrates are a major source of nitrogen needed for plant growth.

However, nitrates form dangerous substances - nitrites and nitrosamines, which can cause stomach diseases.

In increased amounts, nitrates have a number of side effects on the body, and in some cases can cause poisoning. When nitrates in vegetables have higher levels, the first symptoms are nausea and vomiting.

Baikova advises not to buy withered lettuce yet. Cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes do not have a legal norm for nitrates, which is why it is advisable to white these vegetables before eating them.


In order to protect ourselves from the gastritogenic effect, it is good to blanch the vegetables - nothing that some of the vitamins will be lost, and then to throw away the water - says Donka Baikova.

According to her, the European Union has regulated the content of nitrates in spinach, lettuce, iceberg lettuce and baby food, as over the years their highest levels have been registered in these products.

Desislava Byalkova from the Food Control Directorate at the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency assured that the inspectors monitor the amount of nitrates in vegetables, but only examine what the European regulation requires of them.
