Medicinal Decoctions With Hydrastis

Medicinal Decoctions With Hydrastis
Medicinal Decoctions With Hydrastis

Hydrastis is one of the most popular plants used by Native Americans. Mixed with bear oil, the shrub was the most beneficial insect repellent. It has also been one of the most popular drugs for treating ulcers, ear pain, wounds, stomach aches and liver problems.

Infusions and decoctions of the herb were given to patients with fever, high fever, pneumonia, whooping cough, liver disorders and heart problems. It was even used to treat tuberculosis, but it was not so successful.

Over the years, hydrastis has gained widespread popularity and in the 20th century it has already been registered in the American National Recipe Book. It is described as a plant with a strong antiseptic and astringent.

Today, the medicinal plant is threatened with extinction. When used, it is advisable to rely only on products made from herbs of cultivated and organic origin. The use of wild hydrastis is illegal.

The usable parts of the hydrastis are the roots and rhizomes. The main components in it are hydrastin, berberine and canadine.

Dried Hydrastis
Dried Hydrastis

Medicinal decoctions, which are prepared from hydrastis, are many. Tincture of it is prepared from the powdered roots of the plant. They are used to treat psoriasis as well as fungal infections. A dilute infusion is used for rinsing the mouth, eyes, as well as for a toilet shower.

Ordinary infusion and decoctions of hydrastis are used for any throat problems. Tinctures are used to treat worsening of the mucous membrane, as well as serious infections of the ear, unless the eardrum is perforated. Rinses are made for eczema, irritated skin and measles.

From hydrastis roots, ground into powder, capsules and powder are prepared for wounds, as well as for sinus infections. The capsules are taken alone or in combination with other herbs to relieve hot flashes during menopause and sweating.

They are also taken for hay fever. In addition, there are combination tablets that are used to treat various digestive disorders.
