How To Get Rid Of Reflux

How To Get Rid Of Reflux
How To Get Rid Of Reflux

Millions of people suffer from acids. When they are sporadic, often treatment do not have to. However, when you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, treatment is necessary because the constant secretion of large amounts of stomach acid is harmful. In addition to the classic medicines, you can help yourself at home.

You should not overeat

The recommended diet for those who suffer from heartburn, is a small amount of food at short intervals. The large amount of food interferes with digestion by squeezing our stomach and this leads to the release of more acids.

Lose weight if you need to

How to get rid of reflux
How to get rid of reflux

If you are overweight, try to lose weight. The reason is that excess fat can compress the diaphragm, which also causes our body to release more acids. This is the reason why pregnant women often suffer from reflux.

Follow a low carb diet

Carbohydrates often irritate the stomach lining. In addition, they inflate our abdomen, creating tension inside the stomach. Many carbohydrates also form gases. All this leads to additional digestive problems. If you are in an acute phase, you may need to completely eliminate fiber - although useful, they often increase heartburn.

Limit alcohol

How to get rid of reflux
How to get rid of reflux

It irritates the stomach lining and intensifies the acids, while also interfering with the esophagus's ability to clear the juices itself. Studies show that even in people without reflux disease, alcohol can cause heartburn.

Do not overdo it with coffee, especially on an empty stomach

It is an acid. The environment in your stomach is acidic. In practice, coffee is like pouring oil on a fire. You don't have to give it up altogether - if you're a morning coffee lover, try eating something small and easy to digest before the first cup of your morning elixir.

Avoid these foods

How to get rid of reflux
How to get rid of reflux

Photo: Albena Assenova

Also avoid foods that are known to irritate the stomach or can cause heartburn. These are fast carbs, all fried foods, apples, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage. Foods that are high in fiber can often exacerbate the problem - if you notice that oatmeal and whole grain breads increase symptoms, try to avoid them.
