Start Cooking In An Hour With A Wooden Spoon! That's Why

Start Cooking In An Hour With A Wooden Spoon! That's Why
Start Cooking In An Hour With A Wooden Spoon! That's Why

Do you remember one time how your grandmother cooked? It was delicious, wasn't it? And do you remember what kitchen tools he used? Spatula, syringe, plastic stirrer? Undoubtedly, none of these are listed. Wasn't it a wooden spoon?

Memories of Grandma mixing cabbage or potatoes on the stove with the well-known wooden spoon are always one of the fondest because she does it willingly. Not only because Grandma's dishes are the most delicious - a fact! The reason is also in what she uses, namely the wooden spoon.

Nowadays, almost every kitchen has a lot of plastic stirrers, but the wooden spoon is less common, and it is something like a multifunctional helper. With it you can stir something while it is on the stove, stir the salad, spread cream on the cake.

Here are some reasons why a wooden spoon should be respected in our kitchen and revered as the best helper of every housewife:

1. The wooden spoon has been used for a long time. It is extremely durable, which makes it suitable to stir a thick mixture or pan on the stove;

2. It is strong and allows us not only to stir something without bending, but also to scrape something burnt from the bottom of a pan, pan or saucepan without damaging the surface of the dish. It is better to throw away the sticks, which are adapted for cleaning dishes from burnt food, and replace them with a wooden spoon.

3. Each of us uses some utensil when cooking to stir our dish. How often do you burn your hands when you forget the utensils on the pan or saucepan? Thanks to the wood from which the spoon is made, there is no such danger, because by its nature the wood is a thermal insulator and will not burn us if we accidentally forget it again. On the other hand, as already mentioned, it will not hurt the surface of the dish in which we cook when we stir our dish, unlike plastic or metal utensils;

4. The plastic we use most often (in the form of a device for mixing dishes, such as stirrers) is harmful to our body. When heated, it releases particles that harm us. This is another reason to use a wooden spoon - it is harmless to us because it is made from natural (natural) raw materials;

5. It is more suitable for preparing more precise dishes such as cream soups;

6. The only thing it's not suitable for is whipping egg whites or cream. For everything else the wooden spoon is a right and good choice.

7. It is made from natural raw materials, as we said. That's why we shouldn't soak it before we start washing it. We need to wash it by hand, not put it in the dishwasher, because the wood can swell and crack, which will make it unusable.
