Casserole - To Break The Monotony Of Autumn

Casserole - To Break The Monotony Of Autumn
Casserole - To Break The Monotony Of Autumn

If autumn is not your favorite season, if you grieve for summer, do not like rain and low clouds and wait with a heavy heart for winter, you can create a mood with good and tasty food. And what better option for this than a casserole that seems to be created as if just to put a cross on the monotonous rhythm of autumn.

And it doesn't matter that each of our neighbors believes he invented it, the important thing is that we remember it from our childhood, our mothers from theirs, and our grandparents as well. The casserole is the whole aroma of the garden, the colorful stalls on the market, the taste of summer and the color of autumn, gathered in a colorful clay pot by the fire.

And although each of the Balkan countries cannot draw it to itself, in Bulgaria we know that it has been made in our lands for centuries. And thanks to the clay pot in which it is prepared, there is almost no way that the end result is not such as to make everyone lick their fingers. And there is no other way, when the aromas mix his majesty eggplant, the ubiquitous tomato and the indispensable in the summer kitchen okra, peppers and green beans. Flavored additionally with onions and garlic, potatoes and peas! And meat is a matter of choice.

Casserole - to break the monotony of autumn
Casserole - to break the monotony of autumn

And do you know why this dish-emblem of Bulgarian cuisine is called so? You can hardly bother, but let's confirm it - yes, because of this cute clay pot called a casserole.

It is the reason why Bulgarian food raises one of the existential questions of the world in which we live, namely - the form or content are more important for the end result? Well, if someone is hired with the answer in this case, they may have a chance to solve some of the great mysteries of the planet.

The casserole it is almost certainly one of the oldest dishes in Bulgaria, and probably in the whole region. Whether it was called that thousands of years ago is hard to say. However, it is known that since ancient times people in the Bulgarian lands have eaten fish or other meat with vegetables baked on the tile. And yes, this dish was certainly one of the ancestors of today's casserole.

Casserole - to break the monotony of autumn
Casserole - to break the monotony of autumn

Our casserole is certainly unique in taste and aroma, as well as in the way it is prepared. And yet we cannot say that he is the only one of its kind in the whole world. Its close and distant relatives can be found in different parts of Europe and other continents of the planet. One of the most popular such dishes is the French Ratatouille - a traditional dish in which tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and other vegetables are mixed and cooked for a long time in a ring dish on low heat.

The casserole is part not only of the Bulgarian tradition and table, but also of the Bulgarian literature. In it he meets very often in the middle of the table, surrounded by male company and voiced by long stories of brave heroes and fearless voivodes. Exactly this casserole is well known from the prose of Ivan Vazov and from the works of Petko Slaveykov and Lyuben Karavelov, when besides being a delicious dish it is also synonymous with confusion, disorder and chaos.

But this meaning of the word does not interest us. The important thing is that we can enjoy it whenever we want.
