Folk Medicine With Fennel

Folk Medicine With Fennel
Folk Medicine With Fennel

Fennel, also called wild fennel, is an herb that has a laxative and carminative effect. It can help with bronchial problems - liquefies secretions, is also used to increase breast milk, improves vision, disinfects the urinary tract.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, the herb is often used for kidney problems. It works very effectively in the absence of appetite - arouses the desire to eat. If you suffer from constipation, make a decoction of the herb.

External fennel can be used to enhance vision as well as to treat inflamed eyelids. It is enough to make baths with a decoction of the herb. Fennel decoction is made with 1 tablespoon of crushed fruits of the herb. Boil with half a liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and then strain the decoction.

Take 1 glass of wine three times a day. It is mandatory to drink the decoction before meals. If given to children, drink 1-2 tsp. of the mixture pre-sweetened with honey or sugar.

In case of metabolic problems, make the following decoction:


- Put 250 ml of water on the stove, after the water boils, add to it a teaspoon of the following herbs - dandelion, juniper, fennel, mint and hawthorn.

Boil the mixture for exactly 3 minutes, then set aside from the hot plate to soak for another 20 minutes. Then strain and drink twice a day - preferably in the morning and evening at 100 g per intake. The treatment should last about 7-8 weeks.

- If you suffer from constipation, make the same decoction, to which you should add 2 tsp. buckthorn. The cooking technology is the same.

To increase milk secretion, make a decoction of 2 tsp. lemon balm and dill and 1 tsp. fennel fruit. Put them in half a liter of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Then withdraw and leave to soak for an hour. Strain and drink 150 g before meals. It is good to drink three times a day.

In hypertension, you can also rely on herbs, including fennel. Put in 400 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. white mistletoe, hawthorn, lemon balm, dilyanka, hops and fennel.

Boil for three minutes, leave to soak for half an hour and finally strain. Drink 120 ml after meals three times a day. The treatment lasts for three months, then there is a 15-day break and it is repeated.
