How To Preserve Quinoa?

How To Preserve Quinoa?
How To Preserve Quinoa?

Loboda is widespread throughout the globe. It is found both as a wild plant and as a cultivated plant.

Loboda is used both for appetizers and for soups, dishes without or with meat, pasta. Garden quinoa is a whole storehouse of protein. Fresh juice from the plant can also be used. It is consumed fresh or canned.

The canning products are the following: quinoa leaves and salt.

We clean and wash the quince leaves with plenty of water. This is best done by placing them under running water.

Put water in a bowl and bring to a boil, adding salt.


The leaves themselves are added to the boiling salted water for blanching for seconds.

Once we take them out, we immediately cool them in cold water, and this is done with the help of a colander. Then drain well, squeeze and cut into large pieces.

Add salt, then stir the mixture.

We prepare our jars and start filling them, taking care not to leave air - so we press well.

Sterilize for about 15 minutes.

Take out the jars and turn them upside down. Leave to cool well and then store.
