

Jackfruit / Artocarpus heterophyllus / is one of the 60 species of evergreen breadfruit trees of the Chernichevi family. The homeland of jackfruit is India. It is often called the Indian bread tree.

Its fruit is one of the largest edible fruits that can grow on a tree. It has excellent nutritional qualities and a very low price in India, which is why it is also called the "bread of the poor". In South India, breadfruit is an extremely popular food, ranking next to mangoes and bananas in total annual production.

In addition to India, jackfruit grows in Thailand and Brazil. In translation jackfruit means help, support. In the past, the tree was sown near the home, and its seeds were used as a powerful talisman. An interesting fact is that the fruit jackfruit can weigh up to 34 kg and the size of a human head.

Very often the fruit reaches 90 cm in length and almost 60 cm in circumference. The tree itself is also very large, sometimes resembling a giant oak, which grows up to 15-20 meters in height. Only two or three trees can feed an entire family for several years.

Composition of jackfruit

The fruits of jackfruit are very nutritious - they contain about 40% carbohydrates / more than in bread /. They contain phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A and C. 100 g jackfruit provide 95 calories.

Peeled Jackfruit
Peeled Jackfruit

Selection and storage of jackfruit

Unfortunately, in our country you still can not buy this exotic fruit. It is extremely volatile and perhaps this is one of the main reasons why it is not found in our markets. If you do come across a jackfruit, the ripe fruit should make a thick sound when tapped.

Conversely, green fruits make a hollow sound. They have a very unpleasant odor, which is why they are banned from importing in some countries. However, the heart smells very nice, and its taste is defined as something between a banana and a pineapple.

Jackfruit in cooking

Jackfruit is juicy, with a slightly fibrous structure. All parts of the plant, including the shell, contain sticky latex. For this reason, it is best to use rubber gloves or smear your hands with sunflower oil while splitting the fruit. The fruit is eaten fresh, cooked or fried. Peeled jackfruit is included in various desserts and salads.

Before cooking, jackfruit cut into pieces. In a pressure cooker, it takes 10 minutes for large pieces and about 7 minutes for smaller ones. Jackfruit can be used to make exotic soups, main dishes. In India, jackfruit is cooked with sugar syrup, butter and coconut milk. Unripe jackfruit is used as a vegetable - it is combined with all kinds of meat.

Exotic fruit Jackfruit
Exotic fruit Jackfruit

Benefits of jackfruit

In addition to a pleasant exotic taste, jackfruit possesses some valuable health qualities. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and protects against viral and bacterial infections. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the action of free radicals, which are the main culprits for cancer and premature aging.

Jackfruit is known for its ability to relieve digestive disorders and help with stomach ulcers. In addition, the high fiber content of the fruit prevents constipation and enhances bowel function.

Vitamin A in jackfruit keeps eyes and skin in perfect health. The fruit contains simple sugars such as fructose and sucrose, which give an almost immediate boost of energy. Jackfruit does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, which makes it extremely useful. High levels of potassium in the fetus help lower blood pressure.
