How To Replace Your Favorite Foods With Vegetarian?

How To Replace Your Favorite Foods With Vegetarian?
How To Replace Your Favorite Foods With Vegetarian?

There are many logical and healthy reasons to eat and choose vegetarian food, but there are also many evolutionary reasons why we humans crave meat. Still, there are many creative and delicious ways to hide our unwavering meat hunger and get the protein our bodies need without actually eating meat.

For those who have recently turned to vegetarianism or have been vegetarians for a while and are enjoying new cooking ideas, here is where we will give you some delicious and easy to prepare meat substitutes that will help you replace your favorite ones. vegetarian foods.



This amazing and relatively unknown fruit from India is high in protein, potassium and vitamin B, which makes it a convincing counterpart and substitute for meat and provides the same important nutrients for the body. It can be found in some larger supermarkets and Asian stores. It can be eaten raw, cooked, fried or as you like.

The fruit is a great addition to salads and desserts. Jackfruit is also called the Indian breadfruit tree and is a huge fruit that grows on a tree, and its size can reach 34 kg and the size of a human head. Jackfruit is rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium, vitamin A and C.



It is part of the legume family, which also includes beans and peas.

Legumes often mimic meat in their protein levels and texture.

Lentils in particular are great for dishes that are usually prepared with minced meat, and are extremely low in fat but high in fiber, iron and protein. Use the lentils to make burgers, stews and dishes.

Marinated mushrooms

Marinated mushrooms
Marinated mushrooms

Mushrooms have a meaty texture when cooked and are vegetables that can be marinated. When marinated, they successfully acquire a wonderful umami taste when put in soy sauce and rice vinegar.

They are full of vitamin D, fiber, potassium, and their rich content of the mineral selenium, which is rarely found in fruits and vegetables, is essential for healthy liver function.

Shiitake mushrooms are known for their fleshy texture, close to that of meat.



Nuts are a universal food and can be added to any dish, salad or dessert. They contain protein and healthy fats to make the vegetarian dish complete and nutritious.

Cashews, almonds and walnuts are the nuts that are easiest to find and eat by vegetarians.

Almonds are high in protein and also rich in fiber, vitamin E and iron. Cashews are a good source of essential minerals such as zinc, potassium, manganese and iron, and walnuts are rated as the healthiest nuts due to their richness in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Nuts can be a substitute for milk, cheese and meat.

Smoked spices

Smoked pepper
Smoked pepper

Many people who have indulged in vegetarianism replace the smoky taste of meat with various spices.

Adding smoked salt and smoked paprika to various dishes will give this delicious flavor to smoked bacon or sausage.

These spices are easily already found in our stores and are successfully used by many people.
