Culinary Processing Of Game

Culinary Processing Of Game
Culinary Processing Of Game

Before reaching the table, the meat from game goes through several different stages of processing, most of which are preliminary.

Before the meat arrives from game until heat treatment, it is subjected to various types of treatment for several days. The meat of most wild animals and birds must be marinated for long hours.

This is done to make the meat more tender and to have a better taste and aroma. Very often marinating is mandatory to remove the specific unpleasant odor, as in the case of male wild boar meat.

Cooking game
Cooking game

Once marinated, the meat becomes much tastier and melts in your mouth. The game is lean meat, so before cooking it should be smeared with plenty of fat.

The meat from game it can be wrapped in bacon or bacon or larded with pieces of bacon or bacon. Wild birds that are baked whole must retain their shape.

A thick thread is needed for this purpose. The bird's wings gather parallel to each other on its back and are tied. Both legs are tied with a thread at the top so as not to spoil the shape of the bird during baking.

Game meat
Game meat

Wild birds should be covered with strips of bacon or bacon. Once the bird is well covered with the ribbons, they are tied with thread for safety. For solemn occasions, a net of intertwined ribbons is made and the roasting bird is placed in it.

Wild birds are suffocated by cooking the bird in salt water at a temperature shortly before boiling. The water should not boil, but sway slightly. The broth can be used for soup, it is very tasty. Thus stewed, the bird is served with vegetables.

When cooking a waterfowl, the specific smell, reminiscent of fish, is removed by blanching the bird for 10 minutes in boiling water. Tomatoes and garlic are added when cooking such a bird.

Deer leg
Deer leg

The game marinated in vinegar or red wine. If vinegar is used, take two parts water and one part vinegar. To this mixture add black peppercorns, bay leaf, onion and garlic, grated lemon peel and salt.

The marinade is boiled three times, cooled and poured over the meat game so that it is covered tightly. Allow to stand for 2 or 3 days, turning the meat periodically.

The marinade can be made with red wine, but then the ratio is two parts water, two parts red wine. You can make the marinade from 3 parts water, 1 part wine and 1 part vinegar.

If you add cream to the meat from game, you should do it after the meat is well fried, because otherwise the cream will turn gray in color.
