Is It Dangerous To Overdo Fried Foods?

Is It Dangerous To Overdo Fried Foods?
Is It Dangerous To Overdo Fried Foods?

When eating fried, you should know that products fried in already used fat, which has been cooled and then reheated, are very harmful.

When frying, do not heat the fat to smoke, this is a sign that harmful toxic substances are forming in the fat. Fry over medium heat, constantly turning the products or stirring.

Frying in fat, regardless of its origin - vegetable or animal - adds a lot of extra calories to those that exist in the product.

This can lead to weight gain. You can easily calculate how many calories are added to the products after frying. Two grams of fat are soaked in one hundred grams of fried products. Add nine calories for every gram of fat you eat.

For example, a potato weighing two hundred grams and having a caloric content of one hundred and forty calories becomes a more caloric product because of the additional thirty-six calories ingested by four grams of fat.

fried bites
fried bites

It is also important that during frying most of the products lose nutrients. The high temperature also destroys the vitamins in them.

Frying in trans fats - hydrogenated vegetable fats - is cheaper, but consuming products fried in such fats increases the risk of heart attack.

When frying products that contain carbohydrates, such as potatoes, acrylamides are formed. These substances increase the risk of diseases of the nervous system and can cause serious damage to many internal organs.

harmful burger
harmful burger

Acrylamides are formed by a chemical reaction of sugars and the amino acid asparagine, which occurs when food is heated above 180 degrees.

Acrylamides are also formed during high temperature baking, but many times less than during frying.

People who love fried can not easily part with the taste sensations. They can replace them with grilled food. It also forms a delicious crust, but without added fat.

If you overdo it with fried foods, you increase the risk of atherosclerosis due to the large amount of harmful cholesterol, and in addition it can lead to metabolic disorders in the body.
