Is It Dangerous To Overdo It With Jam

Is It Dangerous To Overdo It With Jam
Is It Dangerous To Overdo It With Jam

Sweet is a favorite of many people, but few know that it can be very harmful if overdone. If you overdo it with sweets, it can damage your immune system and weaken the defense mechanisms against infectious diseases.

Excess jam can upset the balance of minerals in the body and lead to a deficiency of copper and chromium, as well as interfere with the process of absorption of calcium and magnesium.

Sweets in large quantities can cause a sharp rise in adrenaline, cause anxiety and distraction.

Jam can damage the elasticity of tissues and impair their functioning. Jam can also cause stomach ailments and increase the risk of ulcers if taken in large quantities.

jam or fruit
jam or fruit

Sweets, if overdosed, can increase the acidity of saliva and cause tooth decay, as well as periodontitis.

Excessive sweets can cause asthma and arthritis. Excess jam helps the strong growth of different types of fungi.

It can also cause gallstones, as well as hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Excess jam can reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin and thus cause high insulin levels.

Sweets in large quantities can reduce the level of vitamin E and lower blood pressure, cause drowsiness and reduce activity.

Large amounts of jam, taken regularly, lead to chronic headaches. Excessive confectionery causes a decrease in collagen and hence - faster skin aging.

harm from confectionery
harm from confectionery

Sweets in large quantities can increase fat in the liver and even lead to an increase in the liver, as well as an increase in the size of the kidneys.

Excess jam reduces the walls of the capillaries and makes the tendons prone to rupture.

Excess jam leads to addiction, as it mobilizes the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. This substance plays the role of an antidepressant and one strives to get more and more from it in order to feel calm.

There is a drug-like addiction - a person eats sweets, his mood improves, then worsens as the action of sweets passes. To feel good, one eats sweets again.
